Tetrad Real Estate provides master planning management services to assist clients in planning their vision. Being a real estate investment company, TRE has the experience to guide clients through a planning effort that not only orients desired facilities, but also considers the economic viability of master plan. This approach allows clients to develop a plan that can be implemented.
Being a real estate developer is core to Tetrad Real Estate's business purpose. We provide full service real estate development expertise for our internal investors and external clients. Focusing on strategic long-term investments, we have a track record of successful real estate developments.
Managing the design and construction of facilities takes a specific set of skills and experience. Tetrad Real Estate has assembled a team that can provide project management or owner's representation services to ensure the owner receives the results they were expecting. By utilizing a hands-on, user-centric approach, we work with clients to optimize and manage their space to align with their needs. We manage the procurement and contracting of the design firm, contractor, and other required consultants. Once the team is assembled, TRE provides the overall project management from design through construction completion and warranty requests.
Building operations and maintenance is a key service that Tetrad Real Estate provides. We have a service team that can provide the necessary preventative and routine maintenance to ensure the facility is kept in great condition. This includes the accounting and backhouse functions necessary to monitor the building's performance.
Tetrad Real Estate has unique experience and resources available to invest in and manage Public-Private Partnerships (P3). With the various iterations of P3's, Tetrad has a flexible, partnership based approach that meshes well with the need for public sector to navigate the complex P3 structuring.
Real estate consulting is a core service offered by Tetrad Real Estate. Consulting efforts can include due diligence, proforma modeling, real estate acquisition, master planning, higher education space need assessment, and other real estate related evaluations.