The Center for Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (CVID), formerly known as the Arthropod-borne and Infectious Diseases Laboratory, is a longstanding multi-disciplinary research and training center within the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology that serves as a cornerstone for infectious disease research and education at Colorado State University (CSU).
The new 38,000 gsf lab facility on CSU’s Foothills Campus is home to the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology at CSU. BSL-2 Research Lab Space constitutes over 14,000sf of the overall building with an additional 5,000sf of insectary lab space. In total the facility includes arthropod-borne and infectious disease research laboratory, flexible open workspaces, insectary, office space and a complete 2nd story mechanical penthouse housing 3 large air handling units and 2 very large energy recovery units. It is a LEED Silver Certified state of the art lab building. The new building was built directly adjacent and tied into the existing Campus buildings, all new work is being performed with careful and close coordination with Foothills campus staff to ensure no disruptions to existing and ongoing work in the areas. The project also includes 14 walk-in controlled environmental chambers, an elevator to the existing adjacent building, fume hoods, autoclave / glasswash facility, and bio-safety cabinets.
The Tetrad Real Estate team worked closely with the user groups to define the program and helped bring their vision to life though proper management of the design team and by ensuring the contracting partners were on time and on budget. Tetrad Real Estate also manages all the operations & maintenance for this buildings as well.