In partnership with Colorado State University (CSU), Tetrad Real Estate completed the new Translational Medicine Institute located on CSU’s South Campus. It features a three-story atrium that spans the entire length of the building and provides visual connectivity to many of its interior spaces. The facility houses equine and small animal surgery suites and an extensive array of imaging systems, including an MRI and CT on the first floor. The TMI was designed with sustainability in mind and has achieved a LEED Silver Certification.
The first level also contains a large surgical skills laboratory and instructional spaces utilized for training and continuing education. The main floor surgical and equine housing areas were designed in accordance with Animal Welfare Act of 2016 and intensive input by the veterinary and surgical staff. On the second floor, contemporary research laboratories designed with extensive flexibility house a diverse group of researchers involved in translational medicine. This level also includes over 5,000 square feet of innovation space to foster collaboration among varying research groups. The third floor contains the executive offices, a large lecture hall, and an extensive gathering space for continuing education and training.
TMI is a high-tech innovation hub, bringing together smart people to work in creative spaces where innovation will thrive. The TMI’s goal is to discover and deliver solutions that utilize the body’s healing capacity and improves the lives of animals and the human’s that care for them. The Translational Medicine Institute is uniquely positioned for discoveries in translational medicine, as biologic therapies – which leverage the body’s own healing powers – present a new therapeutic frontier.
The institute will draw on established areas of CSU research expertise in orthopedics, biomedical engineering, immunology, infectious disease, surgical advances, and other medical fields.
The institute will bring together educators and innovators from academia, industry, public agencies, and other entities to pursue development of promising medical technologies, with special attention to those with potential for commercialization. Specialized equipment, research space, clinical resources, and conference areas are designed to support this collaboration among animal and human medical specialists.
The Tetrad Real Estate team worked closely with the user groups to define the program and helped bring their vision to life though proper management of the design team and by ensuring the contracting partners were on time and on budget. Tetrad Real Estate also manages all the operations & maintenance for this buildings as well.